Red River & Gulf M1
This Fairmont S-2 was donated to the Museum by Harry Purnell, who purchased it at a Seaboard Coast Line auction of surplus equipment. It is believed that the cars is probably of Seaboard Railroad ancestry.
RR&G Engineer Bill Ward running RRG M1 on the Long Leaf Loop
Bill Ward video taken shortly after the restoration of RR&G M1
On May 23, 2010, Bill Ward successfully fired up the M1 for the first time since it arrived at Long Leaf.
Mike Evans & Fred Evens These gentlemen led the efforts that resulted in the successful restoration of RRG M1 to service.
MOW Train
Frank runs M1 to the Depot to meet M4 as Uncle Pete runs a train south on the Lake Charles Subdivision.
Frank relaxes as RRG M1 meets FCG M4 at Main Line Jct.