First Photos After Hurricane Laura

August 27, 2020


All photos and captions by Mike Miller.


This was DOTD cutting the way in from McNary. I followed them for over 2 hours

as they removed trees from the roadway up to the entrance of the museum.


This is about 100 yards into the museum. Small trees across the road with primary power lines entangled in it. I walked in from here.


Lots of small limbs on the road.


Leaving Engine House headed to Planer Mill. Small tree down.


Large pine tree down by water tower. I didn't go up close to it, but I didn't see where it damaged anything of value from where I was at.


Another view of large pine.


Small tree down across road from Claiborne exhibit.


Large limb from cedar tree in front of Claiborne exhibit.

It went all the way up to the building, but I didn't see any damage to the structure.


Another shot.


Leaving the museum by the Post Office.


That pretty much covers the damage that I saw doing the walk around. It is possible that we may discover small amounts of damage as we look closer, but I didn't see anything that made me say "Wow." The rest of the grounds looked like any normal day.


I know I have more limbs down and more stuff to clean up in my yard than the museum has! All around the museum looks like a war zone! I was expecting to see total destruction when I went through the gate.


We were very fortunate!