Work Session October 31, 2020
To join the fun, contact the railroad at: WorkSession @ RedRiverAndGulf.net (no spaces)
Accomplishments: -Repainted front pilot deck on #106 and put it back on RR&G #106. -Installed armrests on the windows in the cab and laid down a mat. -Installed Engineer and Fireman seats on the locomotive. -Started needle scaling the right-side running board. -Tested the prototype for #106's new number plate.
-Wimbley Vu
RR&G #106
Starting of needle scaling on the running board.
Finished pilot deck. (Wimbley found an old classification flag in the Engine House and decided to put it in #106's flag holders)
Wimbley test-fits the prototype for the number plate, the final one will be made soon and mounted on the engine.
That looks FANTASTIC!
Glen tests out the new Engineer's seat.
Someday there will be a line of volunteers waiting their turn in that seat and an opportunity to pull that throttle and whistle cord.
Mike (RR&G 106 Restoration Team Leader) test the new Fireman's seat.