2nd Annul Fall Festival & Steam-Up October 21-23, 2022
To join the fun, contact the railroad at: Work-Session @ RedRiverAndGulf.net (no spaces)
Railroaders & SFHM Staff
Thank you so very much to all the
volunteers who made the 2nd Annual Long Leaf Fall Festival and Steam Up
a big success! It was a safe weekend, a fun weekend, and one we’ll
remember for a long time. Many people worked many hours of hard sweat
during the summer and fall to make this happen. Many people brought
their talent and resources to take it from “good” to “great.” We had
volunteers from the local area, and folks that came in from Houston,
Dallas, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Robeline, Ruston, and several places
in between.
On Friday, volunteers started final
preparations for the festival while the Steam Up exhibitors began
arriving in the afternoon. Glen brought his stadium vacuum to clean the
Steam Up area in the finished lumber shed. Joseph, Jacques, Wimbley, and
Tucker checked the oil level, added fuel, checked coolant levels, and
performed inspections on all the rail equipment needed for the weekend.
They also took time to clean up and organize the track tool room. MB and
Glen prepped the Machine Shop by lubricating the main shafts and
checking belts and having the shop in top shape for tours. Saturday
Several folks got moving early in
the morning on more festival preparations. All volunteers then met
together for the operations briefing at 9 am in the lodge kitchen.
Assignments were reviewed, emergency procedures shared, information
distributed, radios handed out, questions answered, and communication
lines were established. Thank you to Jason for providing handheld radios
for the weekend. David and Joseph checked the M4 for a final inspection,
repaired a needed splice in the airline that had ruptured, and brought
the M4 down with ease to the commissary depot platform. David would
later help Glen and Mike with more oiling and Machine Shop maintenance
and Joseph would also help with the handcar rides. Glen had a good idea
to set up a maintenance clipboard in the Machine Shop with the date of
the last shaft oiling. Similar to an oil change date on a car, it helps
everyone keep track of when the last maintenance was performed. With a
clipboard from the track tool room, it's a good idea that we now have in
Sunday was more relaxing and a
shorter day, but fortunately, the festival attendee crowd was larger
than expected. The whole crew had experience and confidence as they knew
what to do. After the morning operations meeting at 9 am, the volunteers
were quite familiar with all the assignments throughout the day. Train
rides and tours continued safely and successfully and as the festival
winded down in the afternoon, volunteers cleaned up, cleaned the lodge,
and made the happy road home.
-Tucker "Who Dat" Baker
Video montage of the Fall Festival
Morning Safety Brief & Crew Assignments
Guests Arrive
LOTS of cars!
The Vendors
Steaming up for the Steam-Up
Tours of the Machine Shop
UP thunders by on the Lake Charles Subdivision as M4 looks on between runs. In all, the M4 carried more than 30 full loads of passengers over the weekend setting new RR&G records for number-of-runs and passengers-carried in a weekend.
Father & Son team helped operate the M4 for hundreds of guests
An aging battery gave the RR&G guys a hard time on Saturday and M4 had to be jumped a few times. A new battery was installed that night.
Live Steam locomotives ran nearly non-stop for 2 days.
Sunday morning sunrise on "the hill" just west of Lueck's Lookout at the top.