Work Session February 4, 2023
To join the fun, contact the railroad at: Work-Session @ RedRiverAndGulf.net (no spaces)
Railroaders 2. Roadbed for Engine House Track #3 95% Complete 3. Car Shop Outhouse Cleared 4. Car Shop Track Clean-up Completed
5. Progress Made on RR&G M33 (Ford
Model T) Due to heavy rains just ending on Thursday night, the decision was made on Saturday morning to postpone repairs and a greater reconstruction of the Grigsby Gulch Bridge. Accordingly, in the morning, the work force split into four groups. Cars were switched around so that the M-8 could take the large work flat down to the location of the former motor car sheds and the remains of Model T car #33. Glen has written a report covering what that group recovered and what they found out that is included in this report later.
Mess-1, Tractor-0
Jason and Joe went and got one of the Fresno scrapers to see if they could get it to cut the tough stuff, but no go.
Mess-2, Tractor + Scraper – 0.
Mess-2, Forklift-1
With the first layer torn up, the digging commenced in earnest. Digging up the rotten ties required the intervention of many of the volunteers as all of the wood mess had to be dug out by hand after being ripped up by the forklift.
The day ended with the Track 3 road bed about 95% complete. At the next Work Session we plan to finish it and then put down ties and rails.
-Everett Lueck
Saturday morning safety brief
David led the project to finish the flatcar rebuild, including a new deck.
Jason used the tractor to being removing soil/ballast to make a roadbed for Engine House Track #3
M4 poses on the Loop between runs. A few passengers got a ride later in the day.
Joe operates the grader
Under Everett's leadership, Wimbley, Clint, Nick, Carson, Dylan, Dewayne, and Gavin cleared brush and trees from the Car Shop Outhouse.
A cosmetic (only) restoration is planned for the future
Re-decking the flatcar
The floor of the Engine House where Track #3 used to be was covered by a crust as hard as concrete. We used the tractor and the road grader in attempts to break through, but never succeeded in more than a light scrape. As near as we can tell, this crust was comprised of coal clinkers covered by oil drippings and blown-in dust, then compacted by a decade of trucks driving over it.
In the photo above, we picked several trenches in order for the road grader to get a bite.
Our efforts were not successful.
Placing the road grader in the newly dug trench. The guys adding their weight to hold the blade down while Jason used the tractor to slowly pull the grader.
Jason using the tractor to pull the Fresno scrapper loaded with teenagers for ballast.
The soil & ballast outside the Engine House was much easier to move.
We had some marginal success with the grader, but it was SLOW going. Joe is removing material so we could continue. But then...
David Hearne had the brilliant idea to use the forklift. He taught Jason how to run it and we had immediate success! The tines were driven under the crust and then lifted, breaking it up.
This is what the forklift accomplished in just 5 minutes!
The forklift cab frames the scene as M8 backs into the Engine House with Dylan at the controls while Wimbley runs M2 up the Main Line.
A really pretty evening at Long Leaf
Dinner at Mama Bear's Cafe in Forest Hill. The food was really good and we'll definitely be visiting the establishment more often.
Sunday morning started off cold and strong coffee was needed. By noon the temperature had warmed to 70.
David brought his tractor and box blade to help clear out debris from the new track bed. It worked really well!
David uses the forklift break up the next layer of crust.
Joe takes a turn
After the forklift broke up the hard stuff, we used the grader again with much more success. Nick, Joe, & Wimbley. Jason is driving... and taking pictures.
About 90% done.
We'll do a bit of clean-up grading at the next Work Session, then we'll put down ties.
David shows off the newly decked flatcar
Ready for service!