Work Session

February 10, 2024


To join the fun, contact the railroad at: Work-Session @ (no spaces)


Andrew A
Angela A
Ayden S
Kira S
Glen A
Jason R
Leo R
Joseph S
David H
Everett L
Wimbley V
Nick P
Carson S
Gavin R
Logan H
James H
Clint L

February 3
Wimbley, Clint, and Ben S. worked in the pouring rain, at the request of Museum Director, Doug Rhodes, to dismantle the stair and deck leading to the pump house and boiler house behind the Planer Mill. This will allow stabilization of the RR right of way in that area at a future work session followed by the construction of a new and better set of stairs.

Saturday, February 10
Work was broken up into a number of projects.
Glen, with minor assistance from Everett installed a new GPS speedometer in the M-4 and completed the installation of the marker lights as well. Now the M-4 really looks like it should look and the speedometer is a big help.

Everett, Leo and Kira did a complete track inspection of the loop. They marked the absolute number of ties that need to be replaced this year, documented areas that need cribbing installed along the ROW, documented areas that needed re-spiking and cross leveling and areas that had minor washouts needing repairs. All told the track is operable, but this year’s work can make many improvements.

Jason, Andrew, Gavin, Nick, Carson, Ayden, Clint and Wimbley started distributing new ties along the railroad based on the flagging done at previous sessions and by today’s inspection team. They used the M-2 and the sprayer flat car and distributed more than 70 ties by the end of the day. In between runs, the work crew gave several rides to museum guests.

David, Logan, Gavin, Joseph, Jason, James, Andrew and Ayden installed a new drain culvert for the engine house inspection pit drain between the end of the existing drain and the main line, replacing the open ditch covered with metal plates and plywood, so that the area looks better, the pit drainage is significantly improved and the vehicle road along the engine house and machine shop is passable again.

Joseph used the all terrain fork lift to load the ties on the flat, and in between loads, the same group, assisted by both David, on the tractor, Glen and Everett worked on the pad, breaking down bundles of the old ties and sorting them into usable, cribbing and burn piles.

The all terrain lift had fuel supply issues, but at the end of the day, David solved the problem with the fuel shut off relay and had the machine working perfectly.

The museum was visited today by 8 USFS employees from the Coconino and Coronado National Forests, who were working at Kisatchie National Forest on assignment for two weeks. Angela gave the group a great tour, and Everett discussed the history of the community and the sawmill for them as well.

A short, night photo session was held to showcase the lights at the front and rear of the M-4 and the results are impressive.

The volunteers want to thank Vicki Hearne for providing a superb lunch of Red Beans, Rice and Ham along with Brownies, Cornbread and Cole Slaw!

Sunday, February 11
The remaining group of volunteers was worn out from the hard day on Saturday, plus being kept awake most of the night by the torrential downpours on the tin roof of the finished lumber shed. The group cleaned up the bunkhouse, and moved the roll top desk where it won’t be further damaged by the roof leak in the lumber shed, but that was about the extent of our energies.

Monday, February 12
Wimbley and Clint repaired the sanders on motor car M-2 and Clint discovered a broken bolt in the brake rigging on the car. Lacking tools to do the repair, the defect was documented and put at the top of the list for work at the next session.

-Everett Lueck
  RR&G General


Morning Safety Brief



Loading ties for disbursement around the railroad


Union Break




Andrew relocates a steel drainage pipe for the Engine House pit drain


Clint, Carson, and Wimbley load ties


Headin' out to drop ties



Another goes over the side




Jason, Wimbley, and Nick



Excavating the Drop Pit drainage pipe to install a new steel culvert that we can drive over


Maneuvering the new culvert into place



Everett installed a GPS antennae on FC&G M4


Glen runs the wires for the GPS inside M4's cab


New bulbs for the forward marker lights on M4

Starboard side


Port side


Port side, aft


Starboard side, aft


The new GPS (top of dash) will tell us how fast we're traveling


Mrs. Hearne made the crew a righteous red bean and rice lunch


It was fantastic!


Testing the marker lights


Everett takes her out for a test run

It worked well


Leo shows the guys his lock and key collection


Joe loads more ties


Rerailing an errant flatcar


Night shots of the new marker lights




