Work Session February 10, 2024
To join the fun, contact the railroad at: Work-Session @ RedRiverAndGulf.net (no spaces)
Morning Safety Brief
Loading ties for disbursement around the railroad
Union Break
Andrew relocates a steel drainage pipe for the Engine House pit drain
Clint, Carson, and Wimbley load ties
Headin' out to drop ties
Another goes over the side
Jason, Wimbley, and Nick
Excavating the Drop Pit drainage pipe to install a new steel culvert that we can drive over
Maneuvering the new culvert into place
Everett installed a GPS antennae on FC&G M4
Glen runs the wires for the GPS inside M4's cab
New bulbs for the forward marker lights on M4 Starboard side
Port side
Port side, aft
Starboard side, aft
The new GPS (top of dash) will tell us how fast we're traveling
Mrs. Hearne made the crew a righteous red bean and rice lunch
It was fantastic!
Testing the marker lights
Everett takes her out for a test run It worked well
Leo shows the guys his lock and key collection
Joe loads more ties
Rerailing an errant flatcar
Night shots of the new marker lights